Monthly Archives: March 2015

My Hero’s Journeys or How I Reinvented Myself

Posted by & filed under Writing.

How many lives do we have? As many as we want. I’ve had quite a few. I’ll take you through them quickly. With apologies to Joseph Campbell, my purpose is to show you, and myself, that it’s never too late to answer the call. Twelve: I imagined myself free of a bully. Every day I… Read more »

Conversations with myself – do other writers have these?

Posted by & filed under Writing.

Hello again dear readers/writers! I’ve been a way for a while. Actually, I’ve moved. From Sackville to Rothesay. Bought a bungalow. It was the longest closing date in history (almost a year), so that’s what I’m using as my excuse for not blogging. And since we’re talking about excuses I thought I’d share some with… Read more »